Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.
There are two types of cat scratchers in this world: the one you choose for your cat, and the one the cat chooses in spite of you. The one the cat chooses can include your couch, your rug, your favorite purse, the side of your leg, or that priceless Picasso you inherited from Aunt Penelope. That's why it's critical that the cat scratcher you choose is the one your cat uses. Cats are going to scratch — there are no two ways around it. They scratch to clean and sharpen their claws, exercise their muscles, and mark their territory. Finding the right object for this activity is critical for your cat's happiness as well as yours. |
If you own a cat, you likely already know that your feline friend needs both mental and physical stimulation. This includes being able to leap, scratch, play, stretch, and sleep comfortably. Some of these kitty instincts are so strong, in fact, that if you don't provide an outlet for them, your cat will figure it out on her own. (Read: your furniture's going to get absolutely mauled.) To create the perfect domestic oasis so your kitty can pursue that lavish life, check out this list. Our team researched and selected furniture that's both functional and stylish, so whatever kind of feline needs you're looking to meet, you're bound to find something here. |
If you’re one of the millions of cat owners out there, odds are you’ve got an amazing companion and furniture that’s seen better days. While we all love our four-legged furry friends, no one wants to come home thinking, “Okay, which corner of the couch did my cat demolish today?” One of the best ways to avoid such destruction is to get yourself a cat scratcher (or several). But with countless on the market, it’s tough to find out which ones will provide the right distraction for Fluffy and not simply gather dust in the corner. With that in mind, here are the five best scratchpads to attract those razor-sharp kitty claws. |
We love our cats. They give us love, attention, and affection (when they feel like it, anyway). We all know that, much like people, cats like to have somewhere they can go to relax and be comfortable. That is why we love a good cat house. Cat houses provide a comfortable space that's just for them. However, cat houses come in a much larger variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. It can be hard to really narrow it down to the right one. That is why we are here with this list of the best cat houses. |
Have you ever leaned in for a nuzzle with your cat only to draw back in disgust? Just like people, cats can get stinky breath. But unlike people, cats can't seem to figure out how to use a toothbrush. Enter the dental chew. These tasty treats are loved by our furry friends for their flavor and appreciated by cat owners for their odor-fighting properties. That being said, there are tons of options out there, and some are better than others. Thus, we've whittled down the list to the best of the best. Read on to discover our favorite cat dental treats. |
Cat lovers are a special breed. We take care of our four-pawed furry friends as if they’re family because that’s what they are to us. Despite the love we have for our felines, I’m sure we’ve all experienced the frustrations maintaining a clean litterbox brings. Whether it’s the dust or the odor, it can be hard to keep our homes spic and span. One of the best ways to minimize the mess is to find a cat litter that cuts your cleaning time. |
Cats are the perfect companions. They are affectionate, sweet, silly, curious, and intelligent, and their antics will keep you endlessly entertained. And if you have to be gone from the house for long stretches during the day, your kitty will be just fine. Of course, there is just one drawback to owning a cat: cleaning out the litter box. It's not exactly the most pleasant task. Fortunately, there are litter boxes out there that do the job for you. Yes, you read that right: automatic self-cleaning litter boxes are a thing and if you don't have one yet, it is time to get on it. This type of litter box automatically detects when your cat has used it, and then promptly removes the waste and cleans the box. Trust us, you and your feline friend will be so much happier together with a self-cleaning litter box in the house. Ready to find the right product for you? Here are some of the best self-cleaning litter boxes available. |
A cat harness with a leash is a safe way to allow your cat to explore the great outdoors by your side. Since cats have soft throats, hooking a leash directly to their collar can cause injuries. A harness fits securely but comfortably around the cat's neck and back. This design distributes pressure evenly and allows you to gently lead your cat. When you purchase a cat harness, you need to pay careful attention to the size so you get one that fits your pet properly. If it's too large, your cat can easily escape, and if it's too small your cat won't be comfortable. I've reviewed the top 5 cat harnesses to help you select the best one for your feline. Pick your favorite and let your outdoor adventures begin. |