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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

The Best Puppy Playpens

If you're bringing a new puppy home or expecting a litter soon, you may want to consider picking up a puppy playpen. Puppy playpens provide your little fluffball with a safe place to sleep and play when you can't supervise. They're also a must-have tool for potty training. You can even use them for your adult small-breed dog. And with all the different styles, we're sure there's one to fit your needs.

The Best Litter Bins For Cats

Are you tired of deciding between daily walks to the outside trash can and a cat litter odor lingering in your home? Quality litter bins can solve this dilemma, keeping your space odor-free for several days at a time with almost no effort on your behalf. Simply empty your cat's bathroom box daily and toss the clumps into the litter bin. Lock the lid and let it contain the smells until you're ready to empty it. Sound too good to be true? Scroll down to find the best litter genies on the market today.

The Best Litter

Litter makes life easier. Well, not really. But it definitely helps you avoid messes and stink in your home by providing a cleaner place for your pets to potty. For the most part, we use it for cats. However, it's also super simple to litter train small dogs, ferrets, and bunnies. You just have to find the right one for your pet.

The Best Mini Steppers

Looking for a way to keep moving at home without taking up too much space in your home? A mini stepper could be your perfect fit. These little devices provide a compact cardio outlet, as well as strengthening to various muscle groups. They also come with a variety of innovative features, ranging from live workout apps to built-in resistance bands. Read on to discover which version is right for you.

The Best Large Outdoor Dog Houses

A high-quality outdoor dog house is essential if your large dog spends a lot of time outside. It will ensure your dog stays dry in the rain, cool when it gets too hot, and warm when it gets chilly. You can also put a cozy bed inside to keep them comfortable. Some even have spaces for heaters or air conditioning in case the weather gets extreme.

The Best Dog DNA Tests

Would you like to confirm your show-quality dog's breed? Are you trying to figure out what weird mix created your beloved rescue? If you answered yes to either of these or are just curious, it may be time for a dog DNA test. A DNA test can confirm or reveal your furry friend's genetics. Many of them can also give you health reports and connect you to their siblings. It all comes down to which one you choose.

The Best Dog Carriers

Whether you frequently travel with your furry friend or only take them out for the occasional vet visit, a high-quality dog carrier is essential. It can keep your dog safe when they can't wander on their leash. There are many styles available, so there's sure to be one that fits your lifestyle and needs.

The Best Self Cleaning Litter Boxes

As a cat owner, you've spent plenty of time scooping kitty litter. It's a thankless job but an essential part of being a cat parent. If you're ready to hang up the kitty litter scoop, self-cleaning litter boxes can help. They do the hard work for you, scooping up the poop and helping eliminate the unpleasant odors often associated with open litter boxes. With that in mind, we've rounded up some of the best self-cleaning litter boxes the internet has to offer.