The Best Dog DNA Tests

Would you like to confirm your show-quality dog's breed? Are you trying to figure out what weird mix created your beloved rescue? If you answered yes to either of these or are just curious, it may be time for a dog DNA test. A DNA test can confirm or reveal your furry friend's genetics. Many of them can also give you health reports and connect you to their siblings. It all comes down to which one you choose.

What to Look For

Suppose you want to ensure the DNA test you choose for your dog provides the answers to your questions. In that case, we recommend focusing on how many genetic markers it tests for and the overall accuracy of each company’s results. You may also want to check out how long it usually takes for the results to become available. For example, the Embark Breed and Health Kit gives you insight into your furry friend’s genetic health risks while breaking down their breed, whether purebred or mixed. On the other hand, the Wisdom Panel Essential Kit has the largest breed database. It can tell you about your dog’s background and even connect you to some of their furry siblings and family members. You can get more in-depth details below.

Embark Breed and Health Kit

All-inclusive results

Get in-depth information on your dog's health and breed.
Best Overall

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The Embark Breed and Health Kit is one of the most in-depth dog DNA kits available. In screens for over 350 dog breeds, and breaks each marker down to percentages. More importantly, it can compare your dog’s genes for over 230 health risks, most of which can lead to high-quality preventative care once you share the results with your veterinarian. It’s a must-have for understanding your dog from nose to tail.


  • Results are available quickly
  • Health risk assessment is super in-depth and easy to share with your vet
  • Connects you to your dog’s furry relatives if they’ve tested
  • App and website are easy-to-use


  • Sometimes mixes a few very common breeds into one category called “Supermutt” instead of listing smaller percentages

Wisdom Panel Essential Kit

Packed with information

This kit helps you understand your pup's genetics in a way you never could before.
Runner Up

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Wisdom Panel has one of the largest breed databases in the world, allowing you to narrow your pup’s breed as precisely as possible. It can also connect you to more relatives than almost any other option. You can see photos, explore how each trait affects their looks and temperament, and more. There’s even a whole section on physical traits, both dominant and recessive. Plus, it tests for over 25 health markers that can give you information on medication sensitivities.


  • App is very easy to use and keeps you updated on what stage the test is in
  • Breaks down your dog’s breed by mom and dad’s side instead of just general answers
  • Very detailed about breed mixes
  • Physical trait details help figure out breeding possibilities


  • Not as many health results as some competitors

Embark Breed Identification Kit

Detailed answers

You can finally figure out where your beloved pet's features come from.
Best Breed Breakdown

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This breed identification kit from Embark tests over 230,000 genetic markers from over 350 registered dog breeds to bring you super-accurate results. They’re also partnered with the Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine and use research-backed data to update and improve their screening tests all the time. And for a little extra fun, you can find relatives and compare traits.


  • Results are clear and easy to read on the app
  • Testing and results are fast from start to finish
  • Keeps you updated through every single step
  • You can share results with your trainer for breed-specific behavior modification


  • Doesn’t offer many insights into specific physical traits

Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery 3.0

Enlightening value

Get the genetic information you need without spending a fortune.
Best On A Budget

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If you want in-depth insight into your dog’s lineage, the Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery 3.0 is for you. It gives you accurate results from both their mother’s and father’s sides of the family going back three generations. The screening checks for traits from over 350 breeds, and there’s an entire section dedicated to helping you find your dog’s relatives.


  • Results are easy to understand
  • Predicts weight pretty accurately
  • Has health risk factors and medication sensitivities
  • Affordable way to find out your dog’s breed


  • Some dogs don’t like the bristled brush you have to use to do the test

Embark DNA Test for Purebred Dogs

Insights that matter

Find out everything you need about your purebred dog's genetic health history.
Best For Health

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The Embark DNA Test for Purebred Dogs is an excellent choice if you’re considering breeding your purebred dog in the future. It’s also helpful if you have a new puppy and want to ensure you know their carrier status for the breed’s most common health problems. You can also look at the genetic diversity of their lineage, which can go a long way in predicting possible lifespan and overall health.


  • Can give you health insights to help you decide whether or not your dog is breeding quality
  • Helps you confirm the breed if you question the breeder’s integrity
  • Shows genetic predisposition to problems, to show your vet
  • User-friendly website is easy to navigate


  • Doesn’t show some of the extended features offered in more in-depth kits

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I have my dog’s DNA tested?

Testing your dog’s DNA can give you unique and in-depth insights into your dog’s genetic predispositions to specific health problems. It can also help you determine behavioral issues based on their breed or breed.

Are dog DNA tests accurate?

Dog DNA tests can be very accurate as long as you choose a trusted company. However, like other scientific fields, new research is conducted all of the time, so your results can change based on new information.

About the Author

Chelsia has grown up with cats all her life and now has two of her very own. As a mom of five kids, Chelsia has lots of little tricks to share about caring for and training cats to live harmoniously with everyone else in the home. She also knows the latest gadgets to make caring for cats a breeze so you can spend more time with your loved ones and less time worrying about cleaning up after your furry friends.

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