The Best Cat Repellent

Cats make excellent pets, offering companionship, entertainment, affection, and lots of purrs. Even though you love your cat, there are likely certain spots in your home you'd prefer they not go, like your favorite sofa. That's where cat repellents come in handy. These convenient sprays are a humane way to keep your feline friend from scratching furniture or exploring areas you've deemed off-limits. They're also an excellent way to discourage stray cats from intruding on your property. With that in mind, we've rounded up some of the best cat repellents on the market.

What to Look For 

It’s important to keep the following three things in mind when shopping for the best cat repellent: What behaviors do you want to deter? Do you need a product designed for indoor or outdoor use or one that can be used in both locations? How much space do you need to protect? Our top pick was the cat repellent from Company of Animals, which uses sound to discourage pets from engaging in unwanted behavior. We also really liked the cat repellent from Noobecr, which uses an unpleasant odor to deter cats from intruding on the sprayed area. Read on to learn more about our top picks and discover the best one for you and your cat.

Company of Animals Pet Corrector Cat Repellent

Easy correction

This cat spray uses sound to help you keep your cat's negative behaviors under control.
Best Overall

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Training your cat to stay off certain surfaces is no easy task, but this cat repellent from Company of Animals makes it easier. It’s designed to interrupt undesirable behavior by using compressed air to produce a sound that’s unpleasant to animals. Even better, it doesn’t use any liquids or scents. Whether you want to keep your feline friend from disturbing your house plants or out of the trash, the sound of this pet detector will likely stop them in their tracks.


  • Small can is easy to take on the go
  • Gets cats’ attention quickly
  • Effective after a couple of sprays
  • Non-toxic


  • Comes in a small bottle and doesn’t last long

Noobecr Indoor and Outdoor Cat Repellent

At a distance

Reach for this cat repellent to discourage your cat's unwanted conduct.
Runner Up

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Noobecr’s cat repellent is a safe and effective way to keep cats from chewing, licking, and scratching household items like walls and furniture. It’s a plant-based formula that gets the job done without leaving behind any residue or stains. All you have to do is spray the parts of your home you’d like to keep your cat away from and watch the spray do its work.


  • Easy to use
  • Works with most cats
  • Effective indoors and outside
  • Gentle, plant-based formula


  • Scent doesn’t last long

Inscape Data Training Spray

Stay away

Train your cat to keep off of household items with this anti-scratch pet spray.
Best For Furniture

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If your cat likes to chew up your personal items or use your sofa as their scratching post, this cat repellent from Inscape Data can help. It uses natural ingredients to discourage your pet from engaging in damaging behaviors. That’s not all; you can also use it to deter cats from entering certain rooms in your house. While its scent is pleasing to humans, cats dislike the bitterness of the citrus extract. 


  • Helps keeps cats off furniture 
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Safe on a variety of surfaces
  • Easy application


  • Some may find the orange scent too strong

Naturvet No Scratch Cat Repellent

Break bad habits

This spray helps keep your cat's negative behaviors under control.
Best Organic

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Furniture, curtains, and carpets are all vulnerable to cats with a scratching habit. This cat repellent from Naturvet is designed to stop your cat from engaging in these unwanted behaviors. The easy-to-apply spray has a scent and taste that cats find unpleasant, decreasing the chances they’ll disturb items you’ve sprayed.


  • Long-lasting on indoor and outdoor surfaces
  • Effective on furniture, lawns, and gardens
  • Helps prevent clawing
  • Works well for housebreaking new pets
  • Water-based, gentle formula


  • Can only be used on non-edible plants 

Sentry Stop That Cat Repellent

Spray away

Use this cat spray to help keep your kitty out of unwanted spaces.
Best For Behavioral Correction

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This cat repellent from Sentry uses noise and pheromones to discourage cats’ unwanted behaviors. When you use the spray, it produces a hissing sound and mist to get the cat’s attention, calming them and redirecting their behavior. It works well to discourage stray cats from entering yards and marking territory. 


  • Pleasant lavender, chamomile scent
  • Useful training aid
  • Safe for indoor and outdoor use
  • Mimics cat pheromones


  • Comes in a small can

Frequently Asked Questions

Are cat repellents safe for humans?

Cat repellents are designed to be safe for humans and cats. While they often use scents that cats find unappealing, they’re not poisonous. If you’re concerned about any of the ingredients found in cat repellents, you can make your own homemade spray using natural ingredients like citronella or peppermint oil. 

How can I keep stray cats and my neighbor’s cats out of my yard?

Motion-activated cat deterrents are the best option if you need to protect a large area, such as a yard, from unwanted cats. You should only use these cat repellents outside. They’re very effective at deterring outside cats from entering your property. These sprinklers use water and a hissing noise to scare cats without harming them. 

About the Author

Lynnae grew up with pets all her life, so she has firsthand experience on how to best take care of your favorite companions. This teacher by day and writer by night has a mission to make sure all pets have what they need to live long and healthy lives.

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