The Best Cat Grasses

Green plants might not constitute the bulk of a cat's diet, but they are an integral part of it all the same. If you've ever noticed your feline friend nibbling on grass or plants, they are likely seeking out fiber to help balance out their gut flora. That's why we recommend getting some cat grass for your home. Here, we've compiled a list of the best of the best green edibles for cats. Read on to discover the perfect pick for you and your cat.
What to Look For
The best cat grasses are safe, easy to grow and maintain, and, of course, appealing to our furry feline friends. Rose and Branch offers outstanding organic wheat grass seeds that produce full, thick grass that cats love. But if you’re in the market for a more ready-made solution, check out the convenient grow bags from The Cat Ladies. Keep reading to check out our favorite options and add a little green space to your home.
Rose and Branch Organic Wheat Grass Seeds
Grow your own way
We may associate wheat grass with shots and green smoothies, but it turns out this fabulous flora is great for our cats, too. This organic pick from Rose and Branch may come in seed form, but the growing process is super straightforward, even for those of us without a green thumb. There is no need to soak the seeds beforehand, and the grass grows quite rapidly, making these seeds a smart choice for busy lifestyles.
- Under the right conditions, the seeds sprout very well with little maintenance.
- The grass thrives well and is of good quality, reaching a maximum height of about five inches.
- These seeds don’t come with a planter, and that necessitates a separate purchase.
The Cat Ladies Cat Grass Grow Bag Kit
Everything you need
If you’re in the market for a grass planter kit that gets results, go with this kit from The Cat Ladies. It includes a blend of seeds that grow well in a variety of conditions as well as convenient soil disks and grow bags to keep everything contained. If you’re new to the world of cat grass, this beginner-friendly kit is a great way to get growing.
- You don’t need to be a master gardener to get some grass growing with this set, which features various types of seeds, including oat, barley, wheatgrass, and rye.
- The instructions are very easy to follow, and each of the three grow bags is ultra-portable, so you can move them from room to room when necessary.
- Some may not like the fact that the grow bags are housed in plastic baggies.
Todd’s Seeds Wheatgrass Seeds
Bring the outdoors in
These seeds from Todd’s are perfect for indoor use. Wheat grass doesn’t do well in direct sunlight, so if your space is lacking in light, there’s no need to give up on your grass-growing goals. Planting the seeds is a straightforward process that doesn’t require much skill or prior knowledge, and a little TLC goes a long way toward cultivating a healthy crop of grass and making your cat happy.
- The hard red wheat is rich in lipids, minerals, and vitamins.
- There are no chemicals in the seeds, either, making them a safe option for your pet.
- There are no instructions on the box, so it’s pretty touch-and-go for people who haven’t done something similar before.
Frequently Asked Questions
How should I plant my cat grass?
Before you plant your seeds, it’s important to pick an appropriately sized pot or container. If you were planting this grass for any other reason, you’d want to get a deep pot so your grass can last a while. However, it’s not necessary because your cat will be eating and rolling around in this grass. Instead, pick something large enough for your cat, and make sure it contains drainage holes (or make them yourself). Once you find the right container, evenly add high-quality potting soil. It should be 2/3 full and deep enough for the grass to develop roots. After that, take a handful of seeds and evenly place them on top of the soil; then, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil — don’t overdo it. Next, water the seeds, but don’t drench them. When they appear damp enough, place the cat grass in warm indirect sunlight so the seeds can sprout. Finally, place the sprouted seeds in direct sunlight and keep an eye on them for several days. Don’t have access to direct sunlight? Grow lights work as well, especially if you live in a colder climate.
How much grass should I grow for my cats?
There is no specific amount recommended for planting. However, planting a handful of seeds each time is enough for one cat; if you have several cats, you’ll obviously need more. The amount you should grow depends on the sprouting success rate and the number of animals in the equation.
How safe is cat grass?
Very safe — especially the organic and GMO-free types. Just like humans, animals are sensitive to chemicals and preservatives. Also, ensure that the house is free of other potentially harmful plants that your cat may eat. Regardless, remain on the lookout for symptoms that may warrant a visit to the vet.
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