Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.
Just like our own babies, kittens require a balanced diet with enough nutrients to support growth and development, which is why you should find the best kitten food out there. That way, you ensure your pet grows into an active and healthy cat. We know the choices can be overwhelming, so we've gone ahead and narrowed down the search for you. |
Green plants might not constitute the bulk of a cat's diet, but they are an integral part of it all the same. If you've ever noticed your feline friend nibbling on grass or plants, they are likely seeking out fiber to help balance out their gut flora. That's why we recommend getting some cat grass for your home. Here, we've compiled a list of the best of the best green edibles for cats. Read on to discover the perfect pick for you and your cat. |
We grab an extra blanket to keep warm if the temperature goes down, but what about our cats? How do we keep them warm when it’s cold? The solution is a heated cat bed. These products provide adequate warmth for your kitty, even when the mercury drops. Your pet will also enjoy maximum comfort thanks to the padding made of high-quality and soft materials. Take a look at our top picks for the best heated cat beds available on the market. |
Pet parents go to extreme lengths to ensure that their furry companions stay warm and comfortable. For many species, staying warm isn’t a problem due to a soft, fur coat. However, we also have some hairless breeds such as the Sphynx, Peterbald, and the Donskoy. For these felines, staying warm in cold and rainy weather is a tricky proposition. To keep our companions warm, we have cat sweaters. Sometimes, these furballs fall ill and require surgery, which, in turn, leaves them shaven and with exposed stitches. The average cat spends up to 50% of its time grooming, so this is normal behavior. After visiting the vet, your little friend will certainly want to groom those incisions. Wounds heal best with minimal or no disturbance, so getting a sweater is the best go-to move. In recent years, cat-wear remains one of the most fun sectors of the billion-dollar fashion industry. Your feline doesn't need a reason to look good or stand out. Some cat sweaters add personality to these traditionally laid-back animals. Cats also take to the runway in events like the New York Kitty Couture. With all that in mind, it might be a good idea for pet parents to make this purchase for their furry friends. Here are some top choices for you. |
You want to give your cat the best, and that means a spot where they can feel safe taking a nap. The best cat house can give you just that. There are many of these products out there, however. Choosing the right one that will be suitable for your cat can feel overwhelming, considering the many options on the market today. In this article we share our selection of the top cat houses that you can buy to satisfy your pet and make them feel safe. |
When it comes to choosing the best cat toys your pet will enjoy, there are plenty of options. However, with so much to choose from, you are going to stumble upon some duds. Of course, our pets cannot let us in on what they like and do not like - at least not verbally. While their behavior can answer some questions, the buying decision is often left up to consumer reviews. From plastic balls filled with noisy bells to feather-ridden fabric mice, there are many factors to determine before committing. While the majority of cat toys are inexpensive, a dollar is a dollar, and no one wants a bunch of useless stuff lying around. In turn, from price to quality and personal preference - we have put together a list of the top 5 cat toys available today. |
Cats’ ancestors used to hunt in the wild, but today, our domesticated feline friends are often kept inside the house. This can make it hard for them to get the activity they need, as well as find safe spaces where they can rest and relax. A cat condo is a popular way to make these wild-at-heart animals feel at home. Coming in various sizes and configurations, cat condos give your furry friend a place to nap, stretch, and scratch that isn't your bed or couch. Taller cat condos also offer them a higher perch from which to survey the room, helping them to indulge a natural instinct. We've surveyed the top cat condos on the market to help you find one that's right for you and your feline. |
Most cats enjoy spending some time in the sun, but if you fear letting your cat out, then you might want to give them a special place in your house. With the best cat window perch, you can set up a special spot for your cat right next to the window. There are many different options that you can choose from, each with its pros and cons. In this article, we will share the top cat window perches on the market to make the decision a little easier for you. |