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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

How To Choose The Best Cat Brush For Your Cat – CatTime

Is your cat shedding and hair is flying all over the house? Not only does that ruin your home’s appearance, but it can also lead to tumbleweeds of hairballs rolling around. It’s important to groom your pet regularly; this is why a cat brush is necessary. These products get rid of your cat’s unnecessary hair and boosts their blood circulation. It means your cat will look and feel good after the treatment. Check out our top picks for feline brushes. Read our buying guide that follows to learn how to find the most suitable cat brush for your pet.

How To Choose The Best Cat Hammock For Your Cat – CatTime

Have you ever thought about how many hours a day your kitty spends relaxing? If you want to take your pet’s comfort to the next level, find the best cat hammock out there. Most cats fall quickly in love with their hammocks. Take a look at our top picks to learn more about the models kitties like most. Don’t forget to check out our buyer’s guide to find out how to pick the best unit for your pet.

The Best Scratching Posts for Your Cat

While we all adore our feline friends, most cat lovers can agree that we're not so keen on the tattered furniture and shredded curtains they can leave in their wake. But cats need to scratch to care for their paws and claws, stretch their muscles, mark their territory, and work out their anxiety. To keep both you and your cat happy, we suggest investing in a quality scratching post so they can scratch away to their heart's content while keeping your couch in one piece. Check out our top picks for the best scratching posts on the market to pick the right one for your family — felines included.

The Best Cat Litter Boxes

Cat litter boxes are designed to give your feline friends a place to do their business in a way that is more private and protected than a regular litter tray. Cat litter boxes also help reduce odors and mess due to the litter being enclosed with a lid, as opposed to being left out in the open. Overall, they are cleaner and provide less of a hassle, making them much more user-friendly for owners. If you are in the market for a new cat litter box, here are a few of our top picks for you to choose from.

How To Choose The Best Cat Nail Clipper – CatTime

Oftentimes, when we hear the words cat and nail clippers together, our first reaction is to cringe. Whether you have dealt with this issue before or are looking into your first attempt, cats are notoriously difficult to work with, period--from their food preferences to their hatred of all things water. We love our housecats and want the best for them, but grooming, especially in terms of trimming their nails, is nightmarish. Clipping a puppy's nails is challenging, yes, but when we’re talking about cats, it’s a whole other ballgame. In fact, many of us would never even consider attempting it ourselves. To our surprise, those who groom professionally or are simply brave enough to take on this task use a series of cat nail clippers. Whether you are attempting to prevent your cat from hurting you, your furniture, your kids, other animals, or even themselves, keeping a housecat’s nails trimmed is a beneficial choice. For those who are looking to forego the vet or groomer bill, browse our cat nail clippers below to discover the best cat nail clippers on the market.

The Best Canned Cat Foods

Furry felines can be difficult to please, and finding a canned cat food that they won't turn their noses up at can be a challenge. What cats eat can influence their overall health and agility, so ensuring your cat eats the correct food with essential nutrients and minerals is crucial. Canned cat food is nutritionally balanced, and you can easily control and monitor portion sizes; however, it tends to be more expensive than dry food. The good thing is it doesn't have any abrasive qualities, which helps reduce the build-up of tartar. We've compiled a list of the best canned cat foods to help you make the right choice.

The Best Cat Feeders

It’s always hard to leave your pets at home, especially if you worry about making sure they get fed at mealtime. If you absolutely need to leave Whiskers at home for a day or two, cat feeders are your answer. You can program these machines to feed your pet on time so that your cats never go hungry when you are away.

The Best Grain Free Cat Foods

When it comes to finding the best food for your cat, it can be tricky to find the right formulation that will nourish their health. Your cat may be sensitive to many of the ingredients that are in its food. Grain-free cat food has gained popularity in recent times and may help relieve digestive upset caused by poor ingredients or allergens to grains. If you are in the market for some grain-free cat food, here are our picks of some of the best to choose from.