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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

How To Choose The Best Cat Nail Cap For Your Cat – CatTime

Is your cat scratching the furniture frequently? If your feline’s nails are a big problem for the environment, you want something to prevent snags and scratches. The solution lies in finding the best cat nail caps out there. These products protect your furniture and other items from scratch, and they also improve your cat’s appearance. Take a look at our selection of cat nail caps and find a suitable choice for your pet. Don’t forget to read our shopping advisor to learn more about the product’s features!

How To Choose The Best Cat Toothbrush – CatTime

Anyone who has teeth and gums needs to keep them healthy. Healthy teeth are strong and pain-free with no plaque or tartar. Healthy gums help to give your teeth longevity. The same is true for your pet. Brushing your cat's teeth is one of the best things that you can do to keep your cat in good health. Good oral care includes regularly brushing your cat’s teeth with a toothbrush designed to make it easy for you to give your pet’s teeth a good clean. To help you make the best choice, here is a list of the top five cat toothbrushes on the market.

How To Choose The Best Kitten Collar – CatTime

A cat collar can be an accessory used to style your pet, but it is also a convenient item that promotes the kitten’s safety. Some collars have reflective surfaces to notice the cat in the dark, and others come with your contact details embroidered directly on them.
If you are thinking about getting one of these for your pet, it is important to find the best kitten collar out there. We singled out our top five cat collar picks below. After getting to know each of their pros and cons, don’t forget to read the buyer’s guide below it. It will help you to find a suitable collar for your pet!

The Best Flea and Tick Preventions For Cats

Ticks and fleas are common infestations that can affect any cat. These small bugs do not only pose as an annoyance, but they can even be a threat to both your cat and even your own wellbeing. There are some fleas that can transmit tapeworms to cats. In fact, there is evidence that these fleas may also transmit the tapeworm to humans, so this is not a topic to take lightly. Additionally, ticks can also spread other diseases, including Lyme disease, which can lead to serious consequences. For these reasons, you should prioritize flea and tick prevention for your cats. There are many different products on the market today, but not all equally effective. In this article, we'll look at a few of the best options, all of which effectively prevent fleas and ticks on a cat.

How To Choose The Best Interactive Cat Toy For Your Cat – CatTime

Cats are popular pets that require a fair amount of attention. While petting and cuddling up with your cat is one way to show affection, do not overlook the benefits of playing with your cat with a toy. There are many cat toys on the market–some are obviously more beneficial than others.
When it comes to really pushing the limits in terms of how much fun you and your cat can have, it would certainly be a good idea to look for the best interactive cat toys. These toys will generally provide specific functions, such as adding an element of exercise to a fun activity. Below, we share our selection of the top interactive cat toys along with the specific scenarios where they would be the perfect fit.

How To Choose The Best Cat Collar – CatTime

Cat collars can help identify your cat should they go missing. They work by having a name tag with your owner details attached to the collar. Unlike a dog collar, they are much smaller, as cats do not require a lead to be attached for walks. Cat collars can also have a bell attached, which alerts birds and other wildlife to their presence. Your cat’s collar needs to be lightweight and durable so that it doesn't hinder their activity but also cannot be easily damaged. If you are looking for a new collar for your cat, here are our pick of five of the best.

How To Choose The Best Cat Leash For Your Cat – CatTime

Cats are clear about their likes and dislikes. If a cat doesn't like the feel of a harness or leash, you'll have a hard time getting him/her to cooperate. There are several different types of cat leashes available and factors such as the cat's age, size, and agility need to be taken into consideration when making your choice. When it comes to choosing the right harness and leash for your cat, safety and comfort are crucial. Here are our top five picks for the best cat leashes:

How To Choose The Best Cat Litter Mat – CatTime

Cats are wonderful pets, but taking care of them can be a hassle. That is especially true when they get litter all over carpets and floors. If you want to avoid a mess, think about getting a cat litter mat. These products aim to collect litter that your feline gets out of the box. It also protects floors from damage and keeps your pet comfortable. Take a look at our selection of five best cat litter mats out there. The shopping advisor will tell you more about choosing a unit that fits your pet!