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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

How To Choose The Best Cat Food Dispenser For Your Cat – CatTime

All pets have basic needs. They need food, shelter and cats need a place to nap. Lots of places to nap. As a pet owner, making sure your cat has the necessities can be stressful, especially if you have a cat with special requirements. A quality food dispenser helps take the stress out of making sure your cat gets all the nutrients it needs. If you are at work, or your cat needs a particular amount of food, an automated dispenser takes care of it all. We have compiled a list of the best cat food dispensers, so you know what will work well.

How To Choose The Best Cat Wipes For Your Cat – CatTime

For many pet parents, pet grooming is an everyday activity. Your furry companion sheds fur and dead skin, and, at times, needs a helping hand dealing with odors and allergens. These tiny particles ferry two main allergens; Fel d 1 and Fel d 4. Cat wipes are the solution.

How To Choose The Best Cat Urine Enzyme Cleaner For Your Cat – CatTime

Why is your growing kitten spraying? If you haven't gotten around to neutering your cat, at least a cat urine enzyme cleaner can stop him from coming back to your closet or curtains tomorrow for a nice rub and a pee. If cats are hanging around outside trying to claim his territory, you might need a few gallons of enzyme cleaner for cat urine, specifically, to get rid of that outrageous tomcat smell. When the product is used according to instructions by completely saturating the problem area, cats will not normally return to the same spot. Here are the ones that get the job done.

The Best Cat Brushes for Shedding

Is your kitty shedding copious amounts of hair with no end in sight? If you are afraid to wear black clothing or have guests sit on your couch because of cat hair, it is probably time to get a cat brush for shedding. Fortunately, there are hundreds available. It's important to select the shedding cat brush that is best for your cat's type and size. Otherwise, it could end up hurting your feline friend and delivering subpar results. Read on to find out about the general classes of cat brushes for shedding and how to select the best and safest varieties at the prices that suit your needs.

How To Choose The Best Tidy Cat Litter For Your Cat – CatTime

Tidy Cats is a range of cat litter created by Purina. Cat litter is designed to absorb urine and fecal matter from cats. Animal litter trays located inside a home can cause a foul smell, so the key is to find a cat litter that neutralizes odors. As cats like to bury their waste, there should also be enough cat litter provide, so that your cat can mimic the waste burial process within their litter tray. If you are in the market for some new cat litter, here are our top five picks from Tidy Cats by Purina.

How To Choose The Best Cat Cage For Your Cat – CatTime

Cat cages, when used responsibly for temporary periods, can be useful in improving a cat's overall wellbeing and sense of security. Using cat cages to train, protect, and soothe cats is becoming more and more popular.
Cat cages can be used for different purposes. Often they’re used to contain feral cats or to separate fighting cats. Sometimes they're useful as a refuge for shy cats, and they can be an effective tool to safely introduce a new cat to your home. They can also be used as outdoor playpens to give indoor cats outside time.
Here's our list of the Top 5 cat cages available.

How To Choose The Best Cat Blanket For Your Cat – CatTime

Everyone knows cats love to snuggle and sleep; that's why cat lovers are always on the lookout for the ideal cat blanket that is both plush and cozy, as well as durable. Cat blankets and beds need to be washed regularly, so the cat blanket you choose ideally needs to be machine washable, safe for the tumble drier, and sturdy enough to withstand constant cleaning.
Pet owners can land up spending loads of unnecessary cash on cat beds, blankets, and accessories, so we’ve put together a list of the Top 5 blankets to help you choose the best one for your precious feline.

How To Choose The Best Cat Water Dispenser For Your Cat – CatTime

Cat water dispensers, especially the electric fountain variety, are handy appliances that help keep your cat hydrated and healthy. Most users say their furry friends are so attracted to the units that they consume two or three times the amount they were previously accustomed to drinking. Cat water dispensers are designed to require less maintenance than regular dishes and allow you to go on day-, or even week-long trips without worrying whether your kitten will suffer dehydration. Let's have a look at some of the best, and most affordable cat water dispensers available.