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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

The Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Your beloved kitty deserves to have the best, and that includes having the right cat feeder. While an automatic feeder isn't a substitute for caring for your cat, it can be a good device to have on hand if you'll be gone briefly and don't want your precious pet to miss her meal times. Cats, especially, like to eat their food at the same time every day, so an automatic feeder can definitely come in handy. There are dozens of different types of automatic feeders, and of course, everyone's needs and budgets are different. Which is why, to make the process of finding the perfect cat feeder as easy as possible, we've rounded up the five best feeders and grouped them by category. You're bound to find what you're looking for on this list.

The Top 5 Cat Kicker Fish Toys

Are you ready to watch your cat catch a fish? Don't worry, you don't need to bring it down to the creek or even get wet to make it happen. With a fun cat kicker fish toy, your cat can have a blast with a realistic toy fish. These cat toys are perfect for biting, grabbing, and pouncing on. They'll keep your cat entertained for a long time. If you're ready for your cat to have some fishy fun, here are five of the top cat kicker fish toys so you can buy one today and let the playtime begin. Your cat thanks you.

by Lisa

Top 5 Cat Socks

If you love your feline friends, why not show it off in your clothing choices? Add a little bit of unique edge to your everyday ensemble with the addition of cat socks. The subtle incorporation of your love of cats is still stylish and gives you a conversation piece to wear for any occasion. Choose from our top five favorites to add to your closet.

The Top 5 Cat Wheels

Cats have a lot of energy and the best way to get them to burn it off is through exercise. These cat wheels we highly recommend will help your cat get the exercise he or she needs on a daily basis. Which will your furry friend adore?

The Best Cat Foods

You love your cats and kittens and want to do what's best for them. If you're on the hunt for a new cat food or researching foods as you prepare to bring home a new furry friend, consider these foods we highly recommend. From wet to dry, there will be a brand of food that will work well for you and your cat.

The Best Cat Dewormers

With pet-ownership comes a certain amount of responsibility. It's not just making sure your cat has food and water, it's about making sure they're fully protected against preventable illnesses and diseases... and a cat dewormer is a part of that protection and health maintenance. Not sure where to start with the right solution for your kitty? We've got you. These are the top 5 cat dewormers that we're using and loving for our own frisky felines.

The Best Flea And Tick Prevention For Cats

Chances are, if you've got a four-legged fur ball as part of your family, you know: along with the sweet cuddles, mischievous play, and adorable little faces comes a darker side. Flea and tick prevention is essential to a happy, healthy cat and home. It's why we're bringing you the top 5 of the best flea and tick prevention for cats that are all tried, tested, and truly excellent for keeping everyone safe and protected.

The Top 5 Cat Toys

When your cat plays, they get to practice their natural instincts such as stalking and pouncing. Playtime with cat toys give cats the opportunity to be active. And if you play with your cat, it's a great way to bond with your pet. To help you prepare for an amazing feline play experience, here are reviews for five of the top cat toys.

by Lisa