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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

The Best Cat Shampoos

Cats notoriously despise water. Thankfully, they bathe themselves on a regular basis, so you usually don't have to. But of course, there are some exceptions and situations where you may need to wash your feline friend. Whether you're bringing in a new kitten that needs to be rid of fleas, own a cat that has developed dandruff or skin irritation, or your fluff ball simply got out and came home covered in dirt, there's a shampoo for you.

The Best Cat Bathing Bags

Bathing your cat is no easy feat. Most cats avoid water like the black plague, so when it comes time to get them clean, chances are good they won’t be too thrilled. All it takes is one experience of bathing your cat to learn that you need some tools to help you out for your next attempt. We have found just the thing for you: cat bathing bags. By gently constraining them during bathtime or grooming, these not only help keep your cat safe, but also yourself safe as you get your favorite little critter clean.

The Best Stainless Steel Cat Water Fountains

We all want our cats to be happy and healthy, which is why we try to ensure that their drinking water is always fresh. One of the easiest ways to do that is with a stainless steel cat water fountain. This simple device keeps water moving to slow the growth of nasty bacteria that would otherwise threaten the health of our cats. It's clearly a powerful product, so we decided to find the best of the best.

The Best Natural Cat Litter

Between the debris, the mess, and the stink, finding the right blend of kitty litter for your beloved little feline can be a tough task. Most cat owners prefer natural options for peace of mind. After all, our cats should answer the call of the wild on kitty litter that's derived from and unharmful to the earth. That's why we decided to find the best natural cat litter on the market.

The Best Cat Litter Scoop Holders

Keeping your cat's litterbox clean and tidy is imperative. One of the best ways to do this is to get a high-quality litter scoop holder. Litter scoop holders provide cat owners with a hygienic and safe place to store their cat litter scooper, rather than putting it in the "line of fire" inside the litterbox or nearby on the floor. They're a handy accessory for cat owners, so we decided to find the best of the best.

The Best Cat Litter Houses

Cats are wonderful pets. They're fun to play with, have tons of personality, and are usually independent. The only drawback? Litter boxes. They're ugly, stinky, and take up space you could use for more important furniture or storage pieces. That's why we turn to cat litter houses. They provide you with a convenient place to put your kitty's litter boxes while covering up the smell and look. We've found the best options on the market to provide a dedicated space for your feline friend to do their business in peace.

The Best Crystal Cat Litter

Cleaning up kitty litter is one of the less glamorous inevitabilities of owning a cat, but every cat owner has to do it. While it's not everyone's favorite chore, it doesn't have to be that bad - or stinky. These days, many cat owners are switching from clay litter to crystal litter, because it effectively absorbs liquids and smells. It also keeps litter boxes dust-free, so those of you with allergies can breathe as you please. We scoured the market to find the best crystal cat litters on the market.

The Best Cat Slow Feeders

If your cat tends to inhale their food, a slow feeder is what you need. Slow feed bowls feature maze-like protrusions inside the bowl that your cat must navigate to reach their food, causing them to eat more slowly. Eating slower can help to prevent bloat and other digestive issues while also lowering the risk of choking. Whether you need a bowl for dry or wet food, there's an option out there to benefit your furry friend.