Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.
Cat food containers might not directly affect your favorite pet, but they do change the look of your home and the length of time you're able to keep kibble fresh. That's why finding the perfect jar or jug for your space should be a priority. You know your cat deserves the best, of course, and we also know that all of you awesome cat parents deserve top-notch products, too. To help you discover the cat food container of your dreams, we've put together a list of the top products on the market today. |
As cat parents, it's common knowledge that our feline friends deserve to be just as cozy as we are when we sleep. Thankfully, cat cave beds are here to fulfill this necessity. These fuzzy, warm, and completely covered sleeping spaces are ideal for creating your pet's personal and perfect snoozing space. |
If you're a cat lover and don’t have any cat stickers, are you really a cat lover? Prove your true love by purchasing some cat stickers to decorate your favorite accessories. These stickers can make your laptop, luggage, water bottle, journal, and any other surface fun and more representative of your personality. You can choose from cat stickers that are cartoon-like or more realistic. You can find stickers that look like the cat you have, or you can find ones that look like the cat you wish you had. There are many options when it comes to cat stickers, so have fun. |
Getting your stubborn cat to take medication is no easy feat, and it will likely require you to trick your cat into doing so. Thankfully, there is something to help you with this: pill pockets. Pill pockets allow you to discretely place your cat's medication in a tasty treat. These pill pockets are made to be easy for you to work with so that you don’t have to struggle in getting your cat the pills it needs. |
Just as much as you likely enjoy being in your yard, relaxing in the fresh air, your cat probably does, too. However, it isn’t always safe for your cat to run wild outside. But, that doesn’t mean your furry friend shouldn’t still get to enjoy the outdoors. It just means that it’s up to you to find a safe way for them to bask in the sun. And the best way to do this is with a catio. This allows your cat to play, sunbathe, and nap while staying safe from potentially bad weather and predators. Rather than just using a crate or kennel, why not opt for something a bit more extravagant? This will bring your cat so much joy, which will likely bring you joy in return. While on our search to find the best catios, we posed three questions: Is it sturdy? Does it protect from the weather? Is it big enough? Our favorite catio was from Gutinneen which features multiple levels for the cats to play around in. However, we did notice that it doesn’t offer up as much space as some of the other catios we found, such as the PawHut one. This was our second favorite because it has a mix of an open play area as well as a spot for sleeping. Read on to learn more about our other top picks for catios. |
“Getting a new cat is fun," they said. "Cats are easier to take care of than dogs," they said. Well, here you are with a new cat and starting to doubt whether they're easier to take care of than dogs. Chances are you're wondering all of this because your cat has done a number on your furniture. We are talking scratch marks on your beloved sofa or hair all over your precious lounge chair. Thankfully, there is a solution to that, and it's called cat spray deterrents. These come in all shapes and sizes and use different methods to deter your cats from using your furniture as their toy in the safest way possible. |
As much as you may want to keep your cat indoors, they have it in them to run outside and enjoy the fresh air. However, if you live in an area where there are busy roads, predators, or you’re just concerned whether your cat can handle the outdoors, we have a solution: an outdoor cat enclosure. This provides your cat with a way to enjoy the outdoors while staying safe. To find the best cat enclosures, we asked three questions: How easy is it to assemble? How big is it? Is it durable? Our favorite outdoor cat enclosure was the Fooubaby, which is easy to set up and take down. However, if you need extra space, we recommend the option from Outback Jack, which is over 30 square feet in size. Read below to learn more about all of the outdoor cat enclosures that made our top list. |
Are you looking to keep your cat entertained? While cats can be harder to distract than other pets, we’ve found the perfect toy that will challenge them, both mentally and physically: the laser pointer. Most cats love pouncing after a laser dot because of their innate predatorial instincts. The laser pointer will satisfy your cat's love of the hunt and provide both of you with hours of fun. To find the best laser pointer for your cat, you need to find one that is easy to charge, because you will likely burn through the battery life. You also want to look for one that has multiple settings or modes so you can keep your cat entertained longer. And, it’s nice to have the bonus of additional toys that come with the laser to give your cat more exercise. Our favorite laser pointer was the JoyPlusOX, which works at a long distance and only requires one AAA battery. However, the JoyPlusOX doesn’t have the different modes that the Goopow one does, which was our second favorite because of its various flash settings. Read on to learn more about our picks and why they made this top list. |