Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.
When looking for ways to keep your cat occupied, you're likely to come across all sorts of cat trees. Popular for their many functions, cat trees are a bit like a gym crossed with a piece of furniture for your pet. Some feel like an investment of both money and space. Others fit almost anywhere though they may not offer your cat as many features. To save you time, we've put together a list of some of the best cat trees available. Check out our selections for inspiration. |
Modern cat trees have changed quite a bit since this essential piece of pet furniture was first introduced to the world. Whether it's made of ergonomic materials or features bonus toys and playpens, there's a tree out there that will give your cat a whole new way to unwind. But looks can be deceiving, which is why we've decided to compile this list of the best modern cat trees on the market today. Sharpen those claws and get ready to find your kitty a new climbable comfort zone. |
Feeding your cat consistently is important for their well-being, but feeding them appropriate amounts at the right times isn't always easy. Work, sleep, social activities, and family commitments often affect an owner's ability to maintain the best routine for their pets, so an automatic pet feeder can be an effective option. Some auto feeders come with intimidating price tags, while others are better for a strict budget. Many have settings to cater to your pet's high-maintenance routine, while others are low-tech and to the point. To help you find the perfect automatic feeder for you and your cat, we've pulled together a list of our favorites. |
Nothing beats cat necklaces for rounding out a cute and elegant outfit. What better way to show your love of cats and make a fashion statement simultaneously than with an adorable piece of cat-themed jewelry? But just like any type of accessory, not all cat necklaces are made with the same level of craftsmanship, which is why we've ranked our favorites for you right here. Keep reading and get ready to fall in love with your favorite new statement piece. |
Every cat lover wants their cats to be happy. Owners of indoor cats often find their kitties need a little extra help to maintain a healthy level of activity. And every cat has its preferences, so identifying the right toys to keep them entertained inside can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are lots of toys available to keep your cat alert and fit without breaking the bank. We've put together some recommendations to suit your cat's needs. |
Cat shirts for women make a great addition to any feminine wardrobe. There's no better way to celebrate and show off your love for your pet than with a comfy shirt. But if you've ever spent more than a few minutes in a department store (which you probably have), you know that not every cute garment is made to the same standard of quality. That's why we've made this list of the best cat shirts for women we could find. Read on and get ready to start cleaning cat hair off your new favorite tee. |
As much as we love our cats, cleaning up after them isn't our favorite chore. Litter box furniture can help by making the experience a lot more pleasant. You might be surprised by what a bit of charming decoration can do to make the litter-cleaning process a lot more enjoyable. But just like furniture for humans, not all cat litter box furniture is made with the same level of craftsmanship. That's why we've made this list of ideal accessories for your cat's bathroom break. |
Many cat owners prefer grain free cat foods to their carby alternatives, and it's easy to see why. Grain free options are typically rich in protein, and cats who may have a grain allergy will have no problem digesting them. But you should only be getting the best grain free cat foods for your feline friend, which is why we've compiled this list of our favorites. Keep reading and get ready to go responsibly gluten-free. |