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Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.

The Best Cat Bow Ties

Cat collars are great for ensuring your cat can be properly identified, but let’s face it — standard collars can be a little boring. Bow tie collars are stylish, functional, and have the panache your feline friend deserves. Whether you want something understated for everyday wear or a splashy accessory for special occasions, we’ve got you covered. We’ve rounded up all the best cat bow ties available so that you can find the perfect option for your kitty.

The Best Cat Collar

Cat collars are not only stylish, but they can also be a lifesaver if you have an outdoor cat or if your indoor cat gets loose. Tags with their name and your phone number can help a lost cat get home, and some collars even have GPS locators to help you find your kitty. A collar with a small bell is great if you have an outdoor cat because it will foil their hunting plans by warning birds that someone’s on the prowl. Not all cat collars are created equally, so we’ve helped you out by researching and gathering up all the best options available.

The Best Cat Playground

Whoever said that a dog is a person's best friend never realized what it was like to live with a cat. While felines are known for being more temperamental and choosy with their love – and hey, there's nothing wrong with that – they can be some of the funniest domestic pets out there. Part of what makes them so silly is their ability to climb, jump, and play with just about anything. For encouraging all of that play, we love the addition of a cat playground to our home. Beneficial for encouraging safe play on their own furniture, the right cat playground will also keep your kitty from destroying your upholstery and other household items. If you've been wanting to add a cat playground to your kitty's playscape, maybe now is the time. Have a look at our list below for some of the best options out there.

The Best Interactive Cat Toys

Nothing entertains and stimulates a kitty's brain like an interactive cat toy. These lively amusements can help your cat get well-needed and focused exercise and even do wonders for their overall problem-solving ability and general awareness. But not every toy is the cat's meow, which is why we've made this list of the ones we believe are best. Read on and get ready to make feline playtime a lot more fun.

The Best Cat Shelves

Cats and kittens love finding a high place to hang out. It allows them to oversee their humans and keep an eye on everything around them. That's why cat shelves are so fantastic. They provide your feline overlord with a comfortable, safe space to relax while hopefully keeping them off of your bookshelves and away from your valuables.

The Best Rabbit Treats

If you’re looking to get some rabbit treats for your furry friend, they can be hard to find because the market is over-saturated with dog and cat treats. However, their diet isn’t just clover and carrots. There’s plenty for rabbits to snack on, and plenty of treats to keep them happy and healthy. If you’re a new pet owner and you’re not sure where to start, you’re in luck. We’ve put together a list of the best rabbit treats on the market today.

The Best Cat Self Groomers

Although there is the occasional cat who doesn't keep themselves very clean, the fact is that most cats actually clean themselves efficiently and regularly. The problem is that all of that licking can lead to hairballs. Enter the ingenious design of the self-grooming cat cleaner. To help with discerning the best from the rest, we've created a list of some of our favorite cat groomers on the market today. Have a look below.

The Best Cat Beds

Cats are known for being particularly picky. It's part of what makes having a cat so fun — they know what they want and are not afraid to tell you. So when it comes to finding the right cat bed, you'll have your work cut out for you. With that in mind, we created the ultimate list of cat beds that'll be sure to please even the most particular kitty. For a closer look at our recommendations, check out our list of favorite cat beds below.