Since 2008, CatTime has provided millions of cat owners with all the information they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our experts know exactly what it takes to raise our furry friends and our goal is to help all owners, new or experienced, care for their cats with all the right food, toys, equipment, and accessories.
Horse owners put a lot of effort into grooming their pets. From equine clippers to dandy brushes, keeping your horse's coat looking good can be a full-time job. Depending on your horse's habits, you may find it difficult to keep them clean. That's where horse shampoos come in; depending on your horse's needs, they can brighten their coat, remove stains, create shine, and more. Given the vast array of shampoos on the market, choosing the right one can prove challenging. With that in mind, we've rounded up some of the best shampoos on the market to help you with your search. |
We love our cats' mischievous side, but we might not always want to deal with the damage or expense it can cause. Cat deterrent spray is a reliable, ethical way to make sure your cat won't claw at or otherwise mess with the parts of your home you'd rather keep them away from. But not every cat deterrent spray deserves a place in your kitty-management toolkit, which is why we've made this list of the ones we found to be the most effective. Read on and get ready to rest easier than ever on your (unclawed at) furniture. |
Whether you have just a few chickens or a whole brood, keeping them happy and protected is a must. Setting up a chicken run in your backyard will give your feathered friends a place to roam freely during the day without getting loose. And they also keep predators away from the chickens, so they'll feel safe in their coop at night. From large metal runs to smaller wooden designs, we're sure there is a chicken run to fit your lifestyle. We've rounded up a few of our favorites to help you pick. |
When your pet passes away, years of sweet companionship flash before your eyes. Your heart aches and your arms feel empty. It will take time to move forward peacefully, but a sentimental object could help you heal. Below are the best cat memorial gifts on the market today. Whether you're looking for yourself or someone else, we're confident our list will help you find something meaningful. |
While common, ringworm is a real nuisance. It causes discomfort and irritation to your cat, and most of the common strains can pass to humans and other animals, putting you and the rest of your pets at risk. That's why quickly finding an effective, high-quality treatment is essential. We've found quite a few that we think are worthy of your attention. |
Whether your cat is an outdoor veteran or only goes out now and again, an outdoor cat shelter is worth the investment. It protects them from the elements and predators. More importantly, it protects them from their own curiosity. You know what they say about curious cats. Some are heated, while others are portable. You can even find large shelters capable of holding multiple cats. Whatever you choose, we have an option for you. |
Whether you've been riding horses for years or are still learning, wearing a protective helmet is a must. Even the most well-behaved horse can act out when stressed, so keeping your head safely covered will help prevent serious injuries. From ventilated headgear for warm weather to decorative designs, there is a riding helmet to fit every lifestyle. We've rounded up a few of our favorites to help you pick. |
Chinchillas have special dietary requirements, making it essential to choose foods that meet their specific nutritional needs. Feeding your chinchilla the right foods helps keep them healthy and their sensitive digestive system running smoothly. Chinchilla pellets mimic the foods found in their natural habitat, giving them what they need to grow and thrive. With so many chinchilla pellets to choose from, finding the right one for your pet might seem impossible. To help you with your search, we've rounded up some of the best chinchilla pellets the internet has to offer. |